The gold gate: How rogue cops benefited
Panning for gold. LUCY LUMBE and JACK ZIMBA THE gold fields of Kasenseli now lie quiet, off-limits to any intruder, but the perimeter fence still lies broken at various points, evidence of how determined those lured by the prospect of instant wealth were to lay their hands on the treasure. At the gate, we are turned away by an uncompromising military captain in charge of the Zambia National Service contingent deployed to protect the area and safeguard the national asset. The Zambia Gold Company, a subsidiary of the Government mining investment wing, ZCCM-IH, was stopped from further operations by the new government, pending investigations into the whole gold saga, and so the excavators lie idle. But wind the clock two years backwards, Kasenseli was like a bright light to the moth, drawing thousands of gold prospectors. Chief Chibwika, in whose chiefdom the gold fields lie, said the population of Kasenseli was about 700, but after the discovery ...