Lenshina: An enduring legacy, a new generation
Alice Lenshina. Alice Lenshina built one of the biggest church buildings in 1956, and attracted thousands of worshippers every week. A young girl recites scriptures at a church in Ndola. It is one of the most vibrant congregations in the country. A shrines stands on the spot where Lenshina is said to have met God, and where she was handed instructions and powers as a prophetess. In the foreground, objects surrendered by witches and wizards to Lenshina. The church has a few thousand followers. A woman drums to call people for prayers. A worshipper during Sunday service in Chinsali. JACK ZIMBA IT IS 10:00 hours in Kasomo village in Chinsali District, and an elderly woman is repeatedly beating a big drum with a stick. It is a call to prayer. It is the same drum that was used to call people to prayer when Alice Lenshina, a powerful self-proclaimed prophetess and leader of the Lumpa Church, walked these grounds over five decades ago. As the sound of the drum reverberates ...